- Relationships
- Financial Difficulties
- Family Problems
- Work Pressure
Chiropractic focuses on helping the body’s innate ability to heal, allowing our body to express it’s full health and life potential. It is based on the principle that the body is an intelligent self-healing, organised being. Your body wants to be healthy and vital and is striving to do this every minute of the day.
The body’s control system is the nervous system, made up of the brain and spinal cord, and the vast network of nerves throughout the body. This is what controls, communicates with and co-ordinates all of the other systems, telling every tissue and organ what to do and receiving information about what is happening in the body. This system is so vital to survival and optimal health that it is seriously protected by being encased in solid bone ( skull and spine ). During foetal development this system is the first to form, and then the other vital organs and systems develop from that central control system.
When your nervous system is interfered with in any way, information being relayed between the brain and the rest of the body, and then in reverse again, is altered or hindered or even stopped. This means that the body’s innate ability to stay well and heal is disturbed and held back, leading to disorder and a reduced life expression.
Interference to the nervous system is caused by many different stressors in three main categories
Chiropractors work with the body, removing this interference by making adjustments to the spine ( housing the spinal cord ),and sometimes in the extremities too. These adjustive inputs trigger the nervous system to revitalise other systems and so help the healing process to proceed as it should automatically do.
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
World Health Organisation.
A body that is functioning optimally is one that is alert, awake and asleep, fully able to develop through childhood, able to adjust to environmental changes, able to resist attacks from bacteria and viruses, and able to maintain a happy and positive disposition regardless of challenges.
“ Nature needs no help, just no interference !”
Since we practice at our quiet home address in Bethlehem there are several advantages for you
If you are coming for your first visit, ample time will be allowed (usually 30 minutes), when we will discuss your health concerns. Our first priority will be to assess whether chiropractic care is appropriate in your case. Our responsibility to you is to make available the latest information regarding your particular situation so that you can make an informed choice about how we can proceed with our help to you.
Initial visits to help with your immediate problem.
Correction of long-term, Chronic subluxations in the spine which are causing more serious harm.
Part of a health promoting regime that compliments other factors like exercise and healthy eating.